The Town of Riverview Seniors Roundtable was established February 2006 following adoption of council motion to support a proposal submitted by Wayne Harrigan and Cecile Cassista, advocates for seniors of the community.
They outlined preliminary goals and values to be gained by supporting a proposal for a roundtable for seniors, that would enhance the community by improving the quality of life for those living in the Town of Riverview.
They mentioned a number of barriers that impact seniors from getting around, for example, parking and wheel chair accessibility is a huge barrier to seniors who experience a disability.
They made the point that quite often the general public does not recognize these areas because they are not directly affected as an individual unless they have a family member or friend who is experiencing a disability. One of the examples sited was Wheels on Wheels an access transit that is a shared ride, door to door, public service for persons who are declared eligible through the registration program. The Municipality of the Town of Riverview provides subsidized funding for this service. The Committee learned that many did not know of this mode of transportation.
That the lines of communication between the public and the Town council, would create greater opportunities for discussion of public issues, and, more citizen involvement in the community and could be a vehicle for greater public understanding and facilitating two-way dialogue between the town and the citizens that it serves; a Roundtable for seniors to bring forward concerns so that Town Council could addressed.
This would provide an insight to the relevant barriers that seniors are experiencing in today’s society, especially since we have an ageing population, the Town of Riverview would be stepping forward to be front runners in this area.
2006 - 2007 Annual Report
1. Introduction
2. Mandate
3. Its Purpose
4. Accomplishments
5. Conclusion
The Town of Riverview Seniors' Roundtable was established February 2006 following adoption of council motion to support a proposal submitted by Wayne Harrigan and Cecile Cassista, advocates for seniors of the community.
They outlined preliminary goals and values to be gained by supporting a proposal for a roundtable for seniors, that would enhance the community by improving the quality of life for those living in the Town of Riverview.
They mentioned a number of barriers that impact seniors from getting around, for example, parking and wheel chair accessibility is a huge barrier to seniors who experience a disability.
They made the point that quite often the general public does not recognize these areas because they are not directly affected as an individual unless they have a family member or friend who is experiencing a disability.
One of the examples sited was Wheels on Wheels an access transit that is a shared ride, door to door, public service for persons who are declared eligible through the registration program. The Municipality of the Town of Riverview provides subsidized funding for this service. The Committee learned that many did not know of this mode of transportation
That the lines of communication between the public and the Town council, would create greater opportunities for discussion of public issues, and, more citizen involvement in the community and could be a vehicle for greater public understanding and facilitating two-way dialogue between the town and the citizens that it serves; a Roundtable for seniors to bring forward concerns so that Town Council could addressed.
This would provide an insight to the relevant barriers that seniors are experiencing in today’s society, especially since we have an ageing population, the Town of Riverview would be stepping forward to be front runners in this area.
The purpose of a Roundtable would be to advise the Mayor and Council on the
Engaging seniors in the actions and investments of Council and the Mayor with respect to policies, programs and services to support the quality of life for seniors in the Town of Riverview.
Its Purpose
Working with other levels of government, non- profit organizations and the community to facilitate and enhance co-ordination and integration of services for seniors.
Providing a vehicle for engagement of seniors in issues such as health, long term care, affordable housing, transportation and access to services: to raise the public profile on issues related to seniors.
Meetings are held four times per year, however if a special issue of interest was to immerse, a meeting could be called at any time to ensure the voice of the senior is heard.
Composition of the Roundtable
The Round Table reflects the diversity of the Riverview Population.
The make up includes a senior representative selected by the organization they represent approved by council. The organizations are as follows:
Albert County Food Bank
Bridgedale Seniors
Riverview Senior Citizen Club
Riverview Lioness
Riverview Veterans Association
Riverview Lions
Seniors Advocate of the community
The Roundtable has a town councillor, to act as a liaison between the Mayor and committee.
The current members are as follows:
David Owen, Harold Gibson Muriel Steeves, Lillian Smith, Bernice Russell, Evelyn Forsythe, Ralph Dael, Ian Webster, Wayne Harrigan, Cecile Cassista, and councillor Ann Seamans. Alternates to the Committee are : Pat O’Hearn and Hermace Reid from the Bridgedale Seniors Community Club.
Members of the committee continue their role in the community to support their organizations in additions to working with in the mandate of the roundtable. Harold Gibson has taken on the role to be the lead contact from the community to encourage seniors to provide input to the roundtable committee.
The following represents items that have been the focus of the committee work:
Traffic concerns on Crystal Drive, access to Town Council Chambers, Parks & Recreation card game space, volunteers insurance liability. Bus service, property assessment, developing a brochure, space on the Town website, Riverview Transit access and user information (Wheels on Wheels,) traffic lights coming off causeway, outreaching to seniors to request the Silver Scroll, bus service for seniors grocery shopping. The committee continues to research it work for a registry for vulnerable seniors during a time of an emergency or disaster, self serve gas stations, developing by-laws and a brochure for distribution in the community.
We thank the Town of Riverview Recreational and Parks for making sure Harold Gibson name is listed as the contact person, however this does not limit any member of the committee to bring forward any concerns the public may have in the community.
We also want to thank the Parks & Recreation for publishing the roundtable news article in the Seniors Summer Scroll 2007. We want to thank Mayor Sweetland and Town Council , especially our liaison Ann Seamans for being a great supporter and making sure the roundtable was provided space on the Town website.
Respectfully submitted Cecile Cassista, Chair 6